We at Chabad Lubavitch of Berks County have been involved with helping individuals in recovery from substance abuse since 1999. In our experience, we have found that turning to spirituality is a key component in the recovery process. It is this sentiment that inspired us to launch The Dovid Tefillin Project in loving memory of Dovid ben Shevach. The Dovid Tefillin Project is a pledge to put on tefillin daily. If you or anyone you know does not put on tefillin daily, we invite you to join us in this great mitzvah and take The Dovid Tefillin Project pledge. We believe that The Dovid Tefillin Project will provide an avenue for individuals in recovery, as well as their friends and family, to incorporate more spirituality and light into their lives.
This pledge is open to all males ages 13 and above, regardless of religious experience or level of affiliation. Once you take the pledge, you will be given a pair of tefillin from The Dovid Tefillin Project with the option to purchase or borrow for the time being. If you already have your own pair of teffilin, you may use your own pair. It is our sincere hope that you will ultimately purchase your own pair of tefillin, so that you can continue to keep up this commitment beyond this project.